Research on refugee integration and adaptation

Together with the Faculty of Science of Charles University, we have been conducting long-term research on how Ukrainian refugees gradually integrate into life in the Czech Republic. Thanks to a large portfolio of activities, since the beginning of the war we have had access to those who fled to our country before the war. Research can help the state in creating a strategy for the integration of Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic.

‍What are we interested in?

Since the beginning of Russian aggression in Ukraine, more than 504,000 people have received temporary protection in the Czech Republic. Although an estimated third of the refugees have already returned to Ukraine, about 300,000 Ukrainians still remain in the Czech Republic. Therefore, we are interested, for example, in where they live, how they participate in the labor market, and how their living situation has changed during their stay in the Czech Republic. We ask about all this in an extensive questionnaire, supported by academics from the Department of Social Geography and Regional Development of the Faculty of Science of Charles University, led by Prof. RNDr. Dušan Drbohlav, CSc.

Research timeline

• In 2022, we successfully collected data from 1 thousand Ukrainian refugees.

• In 2023, we conducted further data collection, from the original sample of 1,000 participants, we interviewed 300 respondents again to find out how their lives had changed a year after arriving in the Czech Republic.

• To supplement the results of the questionnaires, additional focus groups will take place in 2024

• The results of the entire research will be presented in 2024 at a joint event for representatives of ministries, the non-profit sector, and other entities involved in helping Ukrainian refugees.

Extensive research will produce a report that can help the state develop strategic materials in the field of integration of Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic.

What are the initial findings?

• Almost half of the refugees do not have a job, even though they would like to work.

• Almost half of the employed are dissatisfied with their job and want to change it.

• According to most respondents, finding a suitable job is difficult, and one of the main barriers is knowledge of the Czech language.

• Preferences to return as soon as possible are strong, as are perceived expectations of return by those around them.

• Preferences to return nevertheless "weaken" with getting a job and learning Czech.

The above information results from the evaluation of the first collection of questionnaires in 2022, in which 1,000 respondents took part: among other things, these findings show how important it is to support refugees to learn Czech. This support should then be mainly targeted at those groups of refugees who usually face greater difficulties in integration – people with minimal or poor knowledge of Czech. The results so far also suggest that, as integration progresses, return plans will gradually change. However, in many cases, the planned return to Ukraine will unlikely occur in the future.

Research into the integration and adaptation of Ukrainian refugees takes place within the framework of the project Support for the Ukrainian Refugees in the Czech Republic 2024, financed by the UNHCR. In 2023 and 2022, research activities were financed by UNHCR (2023) and MVČR (2022) funds.

Research on refugee integration and adaptation
Research on refugee integration and adaptation
Research on refugee integration and adaptation
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Research on refugee integration and adaptation

Together with the Faculty of Science of Charles University, we have been conducting long-term research on how Ukrainian refugees gradually integrate into life in the Czech Republic. Thanks to a large portfolio of activities, since the beginning of the war we have had access to those who fled to our country before the war. Research can help the state in creating a strategy for the integration of Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic.

‍What are we interested in?

Since the beginning of Russian aggression in Ukraine, more than 504,000 people have received temporary protection in the Czech Republic. Although an estimated third of the refugees have already returned to Ukraine, about 300,000 Ukrainians still remain in the Czech Republic. Therefore, we are interested, for example, in where they live, how they participate in the labor market, and how their living situation has changed during their stay in the Czech Republic. We ask about all this in an extensive questionnaire, supported by academics from the Department of Social Geography and Regional Development of the Faculty of Science of Charles University, led by Prof. RNDr. Dušan Drbohlav, CSc.

Research timeline

• In 2022, we successfully collected data from 1 thousand Ukrainian refugees.

• In 2023, we conducted further data collection, from the original sample of 1,000 participants, we interviewed 300 respondents again to find out how their lives had changed a year after arriving in the Czech Republic.

• To supplement the results of the questionnaires, additional focus groups will take place in 2024

• The results of the entire research will be presented in 2024 at a joint event for representatives of ministries, the non-profit sector, and other entities involved in helping Ukrainian refugees.

Extensive research will produce a report that can help the state develop strategic materials in the field of integration of Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic.

What are the initial findings?

• Almost half of the refugees do not have a job, even though they would like to work.

• Almost half of the employed are dissatisfied with their job and want to change it.

• According to most respondents, finding a suitable job is difficult, and one of the main barriers is knowledge of the Czech language.

• Preferences to return as soon as possible are strong, as are perceived expectations of return by those around them.

• Preferences to return nevertheless "weaken" with getting a job and learning Czech.

The above information results from the evaluation of the first collection of questionnaires in 2022, in which 1,000 respondents took part: among other things, these findings show how important it is to support refugees to learn Czech. This support should then be mainly targeted at those groups of refugees who usually face greater difficulties in integration – people with minimal or poor knowledge of Czech. The results so far also suggest that, as integration progresses, return plans will gradually change. However, in many cases, the planned return to Ukraine will unlikely occur in the future.

Research into the integration and adaptation of Ukrainian refugees takes place within the framework of the project Support for the Ukrainian Refugees in the Czech Republic 2024, financed by the UNHCR. In 2023 and 2022, research activities were financed by UNHCR (2023) and MVČR (2022) funds.

Research on refugee integration and adaptation
Research on refugee integration and adaptation
Research on refugee integration and adaptation
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