Your new home in ČR 2024-2026

An unknown country, traumatic experiences, emotional stress, little information, and an uncertain future: holders of international protection have to face all this. Thanks to our integration seminars and comprehensive materials, we sensitively try to help them integrate into Czech society.

•  Over the course of two years, 300 people who received international protection after 1 January 2023 will go through the integration seminar.

• The publication Czech RepublicYour New Home will be produced as accompanying material, to develop and complement the topics discussed at the meeting.

• We interpret and translate seminars and all materials into English, Ukrainian, Russian and Arabic. If needed, meetings will be interpreted into other languages ​​- for example, Belarusian or Chinese.

‍How exactly do we help?

We organize an 8-hour integration seminar for holders of international protection, led by 2 lecturers and 2 interpreters, specially trained to work with this group. During the meeting, participants will get information about their rights and obligations in the Czech Republic, as well as about Czech culture and customs, housing, job hunting, business, the social system, healthcare, education system, family matters, free time, shopping, finances or transport. All these areas are also covered in detail in the publication Czech Republic - Your New Home, which will be available online in 5 language

Why should holders of international protection be supported?

This is a specific group of people, often coming from states where they have experienced traumatic events. Additionally, there is uncertainty about how long they will be able to stay in the new country and what the future holds for them. Moreover, unlike other groups of third-country nationals, such as those with long-term visas or residence permits, holders of international protection often need more care and information. It is therefore important to work with this group sensitively and provide them with the necessary information. This is all to help foreigners overcome cultural and language barriers so they can better integrate into Czech society.

What is international protection?

International protection is an umbrella term that includes asylum and subsidiary protection for foreigners in the Czech Republic. It is provided to people who cannot safely return to their country due to the threat of persecution, violence, or war. In 2023, 1,395 applications for international protection were registered in the Czech Republic, with the majority of applicants coming from countries such as Turkey, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Ukraine, and Russia.

The project Your New Home in ČR 2024-2026 is co-financed by the European Union.

Your new home in ČR 2024-2026
Your new home in ČR 2024-2026
Your new home in ČR 2024-2026
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Your new home in ČR 2024-2026

An unknown country, traumatic experiences, emotional stress, little information, and an uncertain future: holders of international protection have to face all this. Thanks to our integration seminars and comprehensive materials, we sensitively try to help them integrate into Czech society.

•  Over the course of two years, 300 people who received international protection after 1 January 2023 will go through the integration seminar.

• The publication Czech RepublicYour New Home will be produced as accompanying material, to develop and complement the topics discussed at the meeting.

• We interpret and translate seminars and all materials into English, Ukrainian, Russian and Arabic. If needed, meetings will be interpreted into other languages ​​- for example, Belarusian or Chinese.

‍How exactly do we help?

We organize an 8-hour integration seminar for holders of international protection, led by 2 lecturers and 2 interpreters, specially trained to work with this group. During the meeting, participants will get information about their rights and obligations in the Czech Republic, as well as about Czech culture and customs, housing, job hunting, business, the social system, healthcare, education system, family matters, free time, shopping, finances or transport. All these areas are also covered in detail in the publication Czech Republic - Your New Home, which will be available online in 5 language

Why should holders of international protection be supported?

This is a specific group of people, often coming from states where they have experienced traumatic events. Additionally, there is uncertainty about how long they will be able to stay in the new country and what the future holds for them. Moreover, unlike other groups of third-country nationals, such as those with long-term visas or residence permits, holders of international protection often need more care and information. It is therefore important to work with this group sensitively and provide them with the necessary information. This is all to help foreigners overcome cultural and language barriers so they can better integrate into Czech society.

What is international protection?

International protection is an umbrella term that includes asylum and subsidiary protection for foreigners in the Czech Republic. It is provided to people who cannot safely return to their country due to the threat of persecution, violence, or war. In 2023, 1,395 applications for international protection were registered in the Czech Republic, with the majority of applicants coming from countries such as Turkey, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Ukraine, and Russia.

The project Your New Home in ČR 2024-2026 is co-financed by the European Union.

Your new home in ČR 2024-2026
Your new home in ČR 2024-2026
Your new home in ČR 2024-2026
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